As you may know, it has been snowing (and no small amount of
it) in Paris and many Parisians have been out on their skis, sleds, and
snowboards enjoying the weather. Our friends, artists Toulouse Nekojin and
Vinnie van Nekojin are not above having a little fun and were out on the slopes
of Montmartre…
“Dans sa chamber” (“In His Bedroom”) by famed post-post-post-impressionist Vinnie van Nekojin, currently on exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay, Paris. The diminutive van Nekojin prefers simplicity and color. “#$&%! There must be color! For me it is a place where I can rest or dream. I have only applied simple plain colors, like those in crêpes. Yummy and nutritious crêpes!”
This morning I stepped out the front door of "The Hermitage" just as the morning sky was becoming a most delicate hue of pink; and looking up, I saw a marvelous little ballet right over my head...the local bats coming home to bed. I didn't have a camera with me so this will have to do...